Amy Sprunger Photography

Theo – Newborn

Theo – Newborn

Baby makes five for this family. Gosh I’ve loved watching this family grow.

I learned something new during this session. There is something call a Baby Breeza. Have you heard of it? It’s basically a Keurig for baby formula. Renee and I laughed about this because it’s pretty fancy. But wow that would have been handy back a long time ago when I had formula fed babies.

Beside the Breeza talk, I loved being with this crew. We started with some photos of the big siblings. They’re at hilarious ages and were being kind of comical. I didn’t mind a bit. Baby Theo landed in a milk coma and slept his way through his photos. Isn’t he a beautiful baby?

Thank you Bryce and Renee. 🙂 You’re appreciated so much.

Here are my favorites.


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