Caleb and Bryttani are just the best! Earlier this summer when we met for their wedding consultation it was an immediate fit and friendship. Bryttani and I soon discovered our mutual love of all things leopard print as well as other things that make us both smile.
Their engagement session was a blast and also comical at times. The day was quite overcast but there wasn’t any rain in the forecast. We needed the overcast for the location we were at, so that was perfect. But as we were about 500 feet from our cars, it started down-pouring out of no where. We weren’t sure whether to wait it out or make a run for it. We ended up running! By the time we got to our cars it was almost o
Caleb and Bryttani, thank you for entrusting me to your wedding day. I look forward to celebrating with you next year.
Enjoy the highlights of our session together.