Amy Sprunger Photography

A Letter to The Class of 2020

A Letter to The Class of 2020

Dear Seniors,

I see you. I see your faces and the hope that you had in your heart when you began the school year. I see the light in your eyes as you are at such a magical age when your entire life is ahead of you. I see you as you plan for your future at college. I see you as you plan for your future in the workforce. I see you as you plan to become spouses and parents. I see those hopes and dreams in your eyes. And I believe that you will persevere.

But, I’m also going to be real with you. I see you. I see your faces and the disappointment in your heart as your senior year is ending like none other before you. I see the tears in your eyes because you still had dreams for your school year. You had dreams hitting your bat for the last time in your softball game. You had dreams of jumping across your last hurdle in track. You had dreams of swinging your tennis racket for the last time. You had dreams for singing your heart out in your last High School musical. You had dreams of dancing with your best friends at Prom. And you had dreams of walking across the stage as your Principal called your full name and handed you your diploma.

Dreams are such a big part of life. And it is OK and perfectly acceptable to grieve the loss of your high school dreams. The loss of a dream is indeed loss and it’s ok to grieve.

I’m also going to say something to you and I believe this with every ounce of my being. The Class of 2020 is producing some of the absolute strongest, bravest, most mature, hard working people ever to leave high school. The Class of 2020 will be leaders! The Class of 2020 will not take for granted future moments in life when they happen. The Class of 2020 will leave their high school campus with some of the hardest learned Character building skills ever. Character isn’t something that is given to you. Character is built within you after you persevere through trials.

“…Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint. Romans 5 3-4.

So my friend, I see you. And I see who you’re going to become because of this. And you’re going to be GREAT! I see you and I believe in YOU!

Now, go out and show this world what you’re made of!


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