Amy Sprunger Photography

Joshua and Jessica – Marion, IN Wedding

Joshua and Jessica – Marion, IN Wedding

Joshua and Jessica’s wedding day was so very special!  When you have a back seat to a wedding day and watch every moment unfold, you realize just how very loved each wedding couple is.  This one, was extra special.  You could feel the love and support for Josh and Jess in the air.  There were so many special details about their day.  I’m going to be personal here, Jessica’s family are close personal friends of mine.  And yes, that made photographing their day extra special, but aside from the love that I have for Jessica it was just such a day ordained by God.

Starting with the obvious, everything was so beautiful to look at.  Matter Park in Marion, IN was the scene for the wedding and reception. I had never been to the park and was blown away upon arrival at the many places for photos and the beauty of the park.   The color palate, the flowers, the fun and very kind wedding party, the families and of course the bride and groom, made the day so warm and loving.

At every wedding there are some funny things that happen and the timing of this wedding was just a hoot.  Clearly the wedding was outside. The reception was under a big tent.  Jessica’s mama specifically prayed for the rain to hold off until 6pm (because there was a 70% chance of rain that day) .  By 6pm we would all be under the tent, thus shelter if it started to rain.  All day it held off.  The sun was in and out and it was just perfect. But, at 6:00 on the DOT, the best man, Mike, was giving his toast.  Right then and there the biggest wind storm blew in.  The rain was coming down FAST.  In my mind I wondered if there was a tornado looming!  It appeared some of the guests had the same look of concern.  But, Mike kept with his speech and it was truly moving and heartfelt.  As soon as everyone raised their glasses, the the bridal party attempted to put the walls up on the tent but soon realized it was pointless.  Then everyone made their way inside quickly.  It was a series of comedy.  And truly, it made for some very fun memories for the bride and groom.  No one was upset or disappointed about the move inside.  Everyone moved right inside and we proceeded.

I need to give big props to Joe from DJ Sound Solution.  He was entirely set up outside and quickly moved all of the equipment inside.  He sat the entire sound booth up inside and seamlessly transitioned into the indoor reception.  Great job, Joe.  You were a champ!

Now without further ado, I give you the wedding highlights of Joshua and Jessica. And, Jess, just one more thing. Thank you for the bracelet. I cherish it and the meaning behind it.  I love you!

Enjoy these highlights.

Much love,


Location: Gardens of Matter Park Florist: Maria Marshall Cupcakes: The Branch DJ: Joe from DJ Sound Solutions Catering: Lovingly provided by the Groom’s family



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