Ahhhh… real life sessions are the best! And photos with this family are always just what I need. I have to mention something right off the bat here – and this is just something to help other parents who might be reading this. Have you ever heard of “Adventure Water?” Don’t worry, I hadn’t either. So let me explain. Step 1) Go to the dollar store and let each kid pick out a cool water bottle. 2) Fill it with water straight from your fridge and only let those particular water bottles be used when you’re on a special family adventure! That’s it.
When I heard Lucy and Levi ask for their ‘Adventure Water’ I had to ask. It was one of those fun distractions that only parents of littles could possibly invent. And it WORKED like a charm for photos! It was something special that the kids only had access to on adventures, thus it was special.
So this session is being brought to you by one super fun family, fishy crackers and Adventure Water. You’re welcome!
Bryce and Renee, I appreciate you guys SO much. Enjoy the highlight real of our very adventurous session.