These gals are such sweet friends and share some very special bonds. One of the most precious things about living in a small town is the friendships that you grow up with. Izzy (my daughter) Ashlyn, Macie and Vivian have known each other since kindergarten, and they have shared some sweet memories together. They are all off to separate universities this Fall. We thought we should do one last fun photo shoot together before the school year draws to a close.
One other very important and very special element of these girls’ friendship is that all of us parents are friends. We have loved and supported each other’s kids through the years, and we are all really fortunate to share this experience together. Now we have a Forester, a Red Fox, a Wildcat and a Cardinal, but the Starfire blood will still flow deep.
Cheers to the Class of 2022! You have shared ups and downs together and truly are special.