This wedding was years in the making. Let me give you a little backstory. Rik and Jenny were high school sweethearts. After high school they went their separate ways. But as fate would have it, they were reconnected after years apart and finally got their love story!
Jenny and I have known one another for many years. She was a bridesmaid for her cousin’s wedding back in 2006. That very cousin, April, also served Jenny as a bridesmaid. In addition to April’s wedding, Jenny has been a bridesmaid at a few different weddings, and I have seen her in that role over the course of the years.
Jenny and Rik had a Christmas wedding. I simply love the feel of a wedding during December. Everyone and I mean everyone who knows this couple loves them. There were so many people eager to celebrate their marriage. It was a complete honor to be there with each guest as they showered the bride and groom with love all day.
Many thanks and much love to the new Mr. and Mrs.
Enjoy the highlights here.
Love, Amy
WEDDING DATE: December 17, 2022 – LOCATION: Sonlight Wesleyan Church, Bluffton, IN and Wells County 4H Park – FLORIST: Gracie and Megan Davis – RINGS: Kay Jewelers, DRESS: David’s Bridal – SUITS: Ellie and Grace – CATERING: Angie and Kurt Ifer – CAKE / CUPCAKES: Maggie Tudor and Chrissy Craig – HAIR: Jill Clontz, LeAnn Niermeyer and Allison Betz – MAKEUP: Shelby from Achieva Salon, Bluffton, IN