Amy Sprunger Photography

Quinn+ Family – Decatur, IN

Quinn+ Family – Decatur, IN

I just logged on to post a new photo session and realized the Quinn+ family was in draft form on my blog! The reason I say Quinn+ is because it their family session included a set of grandparents and great-grandparents, an auntie, parents and a baby. This post is a little late but there is still a lot of goodness to share in these photos.

This session was held the very last week of October, with November knocking right on the door. Somehow there were leaves still in place and the colors were Fall perfection. The love abounded because we all know that bringing a baby into a mix of adults makes for a precious time.

Thank you so much Quinn+ for this very sweet and memorable Fall photo session. I really loved my time with you – as I always do.


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