It’s crazy how artists have to constantly keep their music and performance fresh and new to keep audiences engaged! As I type this I’m thinking of how many times I’ve been able to photograph Jordan Feliz’ concerts and how every single time they are like seeing him for the first time. If you’re not familiar with Jordan Feliz, I’ll tell you you’re missing out. This past Fall his concert vibe was soooo cool. And I don’t even know if ‘cool’ is a word people use anymore, but this concert was indeed cool. He had a MJ and JT vibe in my opinion, but kept the content and lyrics on true Jordan Feliz point! It was just so good!!!!
This go around he had Hannah Kerr opening for him. I’m familiar with Hannah as I hear her on WBCL a lot. But this was my first time seeing her in concert. The girl has pipes! And fun fact, she is getting married this Spring and her fiance shared the stage with her.
I love partnering with WBCL and capturing their events for them. They are family to me!
Here are some concert highlights! ENJOY!