Amy Sprunger Photography

Brian and Whitney – Engaged

Brian and Whitney – Engaged

I have been so looking forward to sharing this session!  As I took Brian and Whitney’s photos and as I edited, my heart was so full! A friend of mine asked me last week if I ever grow tired of my job?  The answer is a firm no!  Every session is special and every session leaves me feeling a sense of blessing and gratitude.

Brian and Whitney’s session was one of those that left me feeling so lucky for what I get to do.  They were just fabulous!  Whitney and I have a lot of things in common and one of those things is our love for the city.  While hoping over to Chicago, where they got engaged, would have been so much fun, we opted for local and used the beautiful landscape of downtown Fort Wayne.

Can I just put this out there – I LOVE it when people dress up for their photos.  Whitney’s dresses and heels were so dang pretty.  And Brian, who I think looks like Luke Bryan, dressed so well also!

We ended the session on top of the town, they popped some champagne and we called it a night.

Thank you Brian and Whitney!  I

Enjoy these highlights.


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